syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; package Hexagon.NCS.ThirdParty.V1; service ThirdPartyService { rpc GetMachineList(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetMachineListResponse); rpc UploadInspectPlanFile(stream UploadInspectPlanFileRequest) returns (UploadInspectPlanFileResponse); rpc UploadInspectPlanFile2(stream UploadInspectPlanFile2Request) returns (UploadInspectPlanFileResponse); // Upload IP file and PPF file. rpc GetInspectPlanNotices(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream GetInspectPlanNoticesResponse); rpc GetProgramReportNotices(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream GetProgramReportNoticesResponse); rpc DownloadProgramReportFile(DownloadProgramReportFileRequest) returns (stream DownloadProgramReportFileResponse); rpc UploadMacroFile(stream UploadMacroFileRequest) returns (UploadMacroFileResponse); //Upload CNC macro file to machine. rpc UploadCncProgram(stream UploadCncProgramRequest) returns (UploadCncProgramResponse); //Upload CNC measurement program to machine. rpc GetProgramJournalNotices(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream GetProgramJournalNoticesResponse); rpc DownloadProgramJournalFile(DownloadProgramJournalFileRequest) returns (stream DownloadProgramJournalFileResponse); rpc GetPostFileExtension(GetPostFileExtensionRequest) returns (GetPostFileExtensionResponse); rpc GetServerInformation(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetServerInformationResponse); } message MachineEntity { int32 MachineId = 1; string MachineName = 2; string ControlType = 3; } message GetMachineListResponse { repeated MachineEntity MachineList = 1; } message UploadInspectPlanFileRequest { int32 MachineId = 1; bytes FileData = 2; string FileName = 3; bool FileEOF = 4; } message UploadInspectPlanFile2Request { int32 MachineId = 1; string IPFileName = 2; bytes IPFileData = 3; bytes PPFFileData = 4; bool IPFileEOF = 5; bool PPFFileEOF = 6; } message UploadInspectPlanFileResponse { bool IsSuccess = 1; string ErrorInfo = 2; } message GetInspectPlanNoticesResponse { int32 MachineId = 1; string FileName = 2; bool IsSuccess = 3; string ErrorInfo = 4; string ProgramPath = 5; string ProgramPathEncoding = 6; string ProbeName = 7; string ProbeNameEncoding = 8; string TipName = 9; string TipNameEncoding = 10; } message GetProgramReportNoticesResponse { int32 MachineId = 1; string ProgramName = 2; string ReportFileName = 3; } message DownloadProgramReportFileRequest { int32 MachineId = 1; string ProgramName = 2; string ReportFileName = 3; } message DownloadProgramReportFileResponse { bytes FileData = 1; bool FileEOF = 2; } message UploadMacroFileRequest { int32 MachineId = 1; bytes FileData = 2; string FileName = 3; bool FileEOF = 4; } message UploadMacroFileResponse { bool IsSuccess = 1; string ErrorInfo = 2; } message UploadCncProgramRequest { int32 MachineId = 1; bytes FileData = 2; string FileName = 3; bool FileEOF = 4; } message UploadCncProgramResponse { bool IsSuccess = 1; string ErrorInfo = 2; } message GetProgramJournalNoticesResponse { int32 MachineId = 1; string ProgramName = 2; string JournalFileName = 3; } message DownloadProgramJournalFileRequest { int32 MachineId = 1; string ProgramName = 2; string JournalFileName = 3; } message DownloadProgramJournalFileResponse { bytes FileData = 1; bool FileEOF = 2; } message GetPostFileExtensionRequest { int32 machineId = 1; } message GetPostFileExtensionResponse { string Extension = 1; string ControllerType = 2; } message GetServerInformationResponse { string ServerInformation = 1; }